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Dream Chronicles 2 and 3, Cinema Tycoon fixes (Requires FSP 2.2.0)

raven awesome requested to merge skiesofravens/activex:master into master
  • Flash has been added to the ActiveX folder, meaning any ActiveX games can use Flash now as long as there is a .flash.config file.
  • Added new .flash.config files for DC 2 and 3, and Cinema Tycoon.
  • Added StartActiveXWithFlash.bat file.

These updates require Flashpoint Secure Player 2.2.0, which is currently on the Dev branch. These additions should only be made when FSP 2.2.0 is pushed to Stable.

These 3 games will also need their application paths set to FPSoftware\StartActiveXWithFlash.bat

Notes will also have to be added explaining to the reader to either remove their existing Flash installation or update it, the .bat is capable of using either the user's Flash installation or the Flash installation in FPSoftware\ActiveX\Flash.

brought to you by tomy, nosamu, and raven (the dream team)

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